
This September, Art is Land Network (AILN) partnered with the Vancouver International Fringe Festival to bring innovative sculptural works to Granville Island for all members of the community to enjoy…

Thank you to all who helped make it happen!

The Artists: AILN artists use natural or repurposed materials – everything from woven ivy to industrial concrete conduit – to produce arresting and compelling temporary artwork responsive to the incredible West Coast environment we live in.

Your support allows community artists to share their creativity in the very environments where we live, work, shop and play, with an audience of all ages from all walks of life.

Donations to future projects:

If you wish to sponsor or donate, please follow the simple guidelines below.

• Write a cheque to Art is Land Network.

• Mail to: Art is Land Network, 305-1230 East 8th Ave., Vancouver, BC, V5T 1V2.

• Include your name, mailing address, e-mail

Questions? Please contact us at or 604 345-8393