Current Artists

Nicole Dextras  Nicole’s art practice is based on the concept of the ephemeral; be it made of ice or of leaves, her artwork is constantly in a state of flux.

Pierre Leichner  Connectivity is primary. Working in a symbiotic relationship with living matter to express ecological concerns

Fae Logie  In her art practice, Logie juxtaposes the found and manufactured object within the realms of both the scientific and the poetic.

Tiki Mulvihill  Bridging the gap between fact and fiction, Tiki creates site-generated, interactive installations, which ‘tease’ the supposed truths we construct in our conflicted relationships with place.

Robin Ripley  Robin transforms natural materials to draw attention to the often overlooked diversity of our living world.

Shirley Wiebe  Shirley recontextualizes industrial materials that are used in the environment to reflect on the relationship we have with nature.